All quotes are from LOVE SPELLS AND OTHER DISASTERS by Angie Barrett.

1. I don’t understand why people say they have butterflies in their stomach because when I’m nervous or excited, I don’t feel anything even remotely whimsical. No, my stomach feels like there’s murder of crows inside of it, scavenging for shiny things. They scratch and poke and generally make me uncomfortable.

2. No one deserves to feel alone when they’re wounded, no matter what the cause is.

3. Grief can last a lifetime.

4. Magic is real. It’s all around us all the time just waiting for the right conduit to come and wield it.

5. It’s not true love to force something that was never meant to be. Love that is forced becomes warped and wrong.

6. You tried to make something happen that was never meant to be. You took away their freedom to choose. When you have the gift of spell casting, you never use it to meddle in other people’s lives. And certainly not without consent.

7. There’s no halfway when it comes to reversals.

8. I’ve always been pretty open to weird things going on. Not everything in the universe can be explained. How boring would that be?

9. Time heals and that there’s always a way to set things right.

10. Change might be hard, but it’s good to grow and learn from the things that happen to us and around us.

11. You don’t need a love spell when things are meant to be.

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